Social and Religious Involvements

Dave Kissoondoyal has always been involved in Social and Religious activities.

In 2002 he was the Executive Member of the Rose Belle North Government School Parent Teachers Association.


When he was living in Mare d’Albert, he was a member of the Arya Samaj of Mare d’Albert. He was the Secretary of the Mare d’Albert Community Health. He was also the Secretary of the Geetanjali Sangeet Sangh of Mare d’Albert. This is an association with the objective of performing religious musical items including bhajans and kirtans wherever there is any katha or religious gathering. Currently he is a member of the Arya Sanatan Dharmic Sabha of Union Park and a member of the Hindi Samelan Sabha of Union Park.

He attaches much importance on moral and religious values. He thinks purification of the self helps oneself to combat all obstacles and helps to lead a happy life. Due to his religious convinctions, he has maintained strict discipline on his character and personality. He is a vegetarian and does not consume any alcoholic drinks. Since childhood he always fasts on the first day of the week. He consumes only sweet food and fruits on Mondays. He also fasts on any Hindu religious day like Shivratri – including the Monthly Shivratri -, Ugadi, Cavadee and Ganesh Chaturthi.


Dave Kissoondoyal believes that by purifying the self, the family and the society, we can combat all the ills of this society. This will lead to peace in the world. To purify the society, he has organised, on various occasions, Kathas for the public. As secretary of the organising committee, he performed the first katha for the village of Mare d’Albert between the 18th and 26th April 1987. When he moved to the village of Union Park, performed various other Kathas as Secretary of the Union Park Arya Sanatan Dharmic Sabha.


Dave Kissoondoyal has also studied Indian Philosophy but unfortunately could not take the examinations since he had to travel to the United Kingdom on training for his professional commitments. At some stage in time, he also started the Priest Course from the Mauritius Sanatan Dharma Temples Federation to acquire the religious knowledge. Dave is inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and mentions that he will follow the same path as the Mahatma and if ever he would get a death like Mahatma ji, he would open heartedly accept such death.

Copyright © 2004 Dave Kissoondoyal. All Rights Reserved.
Last Updated Monday, 14th March 2005    

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